:Story of the Cold-Joker:

Sunday, July 4, 2010

The media that I talk about will be in the form of newspapers, televisions, Internet, movies and probably the news.

The media has evolved over the years. It has evolved from newspapers to televisions and finally the Internet. The spread of information from these medium to people is becoming more rapid. As the time taken to access the information becomes faster, the people's behaviour and thinking also has "somehow" change. However, the transformation of these people's behaviour and thinking brings more harm than good in our current society due to media.

Firstly, media influences people to accept things that are used to be socially unacceptable. With the influence of Western culture through media, we become more acceptable with things that we used to think is a taboo. For instance, in Singapore, there are more PG(that is, any age can watch) movies are having contents that could be disturbing and offending. The movies have tend to use more vulgarities in their content and there are more nude scenes. This could be due to culture where westerner's are being open and straightforward to each other. In Singapore's schools, students were being punished from speaking vulgarities towards their friends and teachers. However, due to these medias, even though they know that the punishment for speaking these vulgarities are harsh, many are still using it. As a result, the society is becoming more distorted from using more of these language. They could use it on each other and it will become a habit despite the fact that vulgarity is rude.

Secondly, media has blind us from what the truth is. With what media is publishing, people are influenced by the media and take what the media is publishing as the truth. For example, company Nike has its slogan Just Do It. From young, anything that related to Nike, we will relate it into its slogan Just Do It. As a result, due to our heuristics, the moment we talked about Nike, we will think of the logo sign or its slogan. However, this has blinded us from the fact on what is the real meaning of Nike which is some don't what Goddess. From this example, the media has influence us from knowing what the true meaning of the word is and hence many people do things without knowing what they are actually doing. As such, we are blinded on what is happening and this may stray ourselves away from our religion and family.

However, though the media creates many bad influence towards the people, media has also helped businessman to earn money through business. Businessman makes use of advertisements to attract people to buy their products. They can post it on the Internet, newspapers or a short clip on the television. The purpose is to make the demand of their good more inelastic. If the demand of their good is too elastic, an increase in price will result a sharp drop in the number of customers. With advertising, the demand of good becoming inelastic, an increase in price will still keep majority of the customers. This will help businessman to earn profit and help them to achieve profit satisfaction and profit maximisation.

In conclusion, media is a powerful tool that changes people and influence people to become another person. Many anonymous uses this platform changes people's perspective which could be very dangerous. Therefore, a person who wants to use the media should distinguish which information is right or wrong. They should also set their own principles right so that they will not change to a bad person. Through this, media will then not harm people, it will bring good to people.

Life hav a balance ~~ posted timey on 7/04/2010 07:25:00 PM



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Okay, after a very serious consideration on what to write for my blog, I have finally decided to make it into a GP-analysis-cum-life updates-cum-QT-cum-Cold Jokes blog.. Reason for doing GP analysis is to force and enforce thinking and write out some points that I think of. At the same time, while I'm thinking, I may come to a point where I came out with an interesting point..

So, the journey starts now!

Life hav a balance ~~ posted timey on 7/04/2010 07:22:00 PM



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name: Roy Tay
nickname: 7th Trumpet Guy™, Momozaki, Lei Ge, Brother Tired
age: 17 going on 18
birthday: 14 Dec
occupation: Student and Christian
hobby: Telling Cold Jokes, make people laugh
qualifications: Best Cold Joker in 2007,08,09,10
I'm Honest
I'm Awesome
I'm Open
I'm Lethargic
I'm Extraordinary
I'm Idiotic
I'm Hao Lei, very simply said..

designed by: Blackey
special thanks: Wilbert


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designed by: Blackey
special thanks:Wilbert